
Create Future

Support us on our way into the future of caravanning!

Professional investors, VC and business angels

Growth market
with Charme and Emotions

Almost everyone associates caravanning with a positive feeling of independence, freedom and endless time to rest and relax. Unfortunately, reality is often different than expected and that is also one of the reasons why we founded flygge. Despite everything, it is a market where you can meet relaxed customers who have nothing more in mind than spending the best time of your life. And we at flygge want to make this most beautiful time of life as easy, comfortable and safe as possible. But for this we need the support of you, the professional investors, VCs and business angels. Because in order to become the largest independent and open platform in this market as quickly as possible, we need financial support. If you feel like working with a founding team of seasoned experts in the mobility and software industry and changing the world of caravanning forever, we look forward to hearing from you.

The market

In 2027, global sales of camping and caravanning will be around 54 billion euros (source: statista) worldwide. This corresponds to growth of just under 11% per year, with sales of 38 billion euros in 2023. This revenue is generated by around 400 million users, with an average of EUR 151.40 per user. The online sector will account for 59% in 2027, which means a potential volume for flygge of €31 billion. Our goal is to reach about 20% market share in 2027, which corresponds to about 80 million users (for comparison, the current largest competitor roadpass has 6 million users). With annual sales of 40 euros/user, we have a theoretical potential of more than 3.2 billion euros in sales.

Now these are all very nice numbers, but they can only be achieved if we can realize rapid market growth together with our investors.

Your advantages as an investor

An underdeveloped market with crisis-proof growth and an experienced team are just some of the advantages of an investment in flygge.

I would like to learn more.

I would like to support you on your way and learn how a financial investment can look concretely. Just send me some more information.

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