
Simply travel flygge! That’s our slogan. But what does flygge mean?

Simply travel flygge! That’s our slogan. But what does flygge mean?

flygge combines hygge and fledgling.

young birds that leave their native nest become fledged. hygge (from Danish) stands for security, contentment, warmth and relaxation. flygge combines these two concise statements: being on the go and feeling at home!

And that is our goal. To support traveling with our mobile home navigation smartly and to achieve well-being at the same time.

The word originally comes from Norway, where it means “well-being”. It was only towards the end of the 18th century that the Danes adopted hygge and firmly integrated it into their everyday lives. The Danes manage to integrate the hygge feeling into their everyday lives. Probably one of the main reasons why so many rave about Denmark.

Does the name convince you? We flyggies look forward to your feedback.

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