On the website of the magazine “Promobil” I’m reading: “You have to deal with the technology in the mobile home, then it’s not that difficult”. At flygge, we see things differently. Good technology does not require “dealing with” but works automatically and self-explanatory.
And we already prove that with our prototype.
Installation is wonderfully easy. Connect the power cable of the flygge box to your body battery, insert the SIM card into the flygge box and point the camera of your smartphone at the QR code located on the floor. Your flygge app will do the rest for you. Complete!
From now on you will be automatically informed if your mobile home is moved without authorization. Of course with the current location. And without having to activate the alarm. You can’t forget him either. Of course you can use the app to see where the mobile home is at the moment. Including local weather.
So you have time for the pleasant things on your vacation.